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Mobile Apps Audit and Tech Consulting

Diligence agency partners with startups and organizations to secure applications and prevent hacks or data leaks. If you need a reputable company for an app security audit, contact us for technical audit and support. Experience reliable and personalized one-on-one mobile app tech audits, evaluations, and support with Diligence Agency.

Mobile Apps Audit Services

Based on the business owner's requirements, various tests, audits, and mobile app audit tools can be used for native iOS, Android apps, and cross-platform apps. These differ in their primary audit purposes. The main types of mobile app audits and testing techniques include:

Mobile Apps Tech Consultation

Whether you're aiming to automate internal workflows or serve a larger market, a glitchy or slow app can be a major setback. By conducting a code audit, Diligence’s agency team of innovative app development consultants collaborates with you to evaluate your app's current quality and identify coding issues that could negatively impact performance and user experience.

Assess Application Security

In an era of heightened hacking and information theft, protecting valuable data is crucial. Diligence’s code audit evaluates your app's current security measures to ensure robust data protection. We identify potential vulnerabilities and recommend strategies to fortify your app against threats. Our comprehensive approach helps safeguard your users' trust and your company's reputation.

Evaluate Platform Usability

The most critical aspect of any app is its overall usability and ability to meet market needs. One goal of app auditing is to test not only if your app functions correctly but also if it drives conversions effectively.Diligence’s UX audit checklist helps you assess how well your app meets user demands and identify areas where it may fall short. We guide you in taking the necessary steps to streamline the user experience and boost your net promoter score.

Enhance App Scalability

As your audience grows, your app should be able to scale with it. Conducting an app audit ensures your app's infrastructure can handle the increased user volume. Business owners who neglect scalability risk creating an app that cannot keep up with user demands, leading to a reputation for a user experience plagued by lags and glitches.

Our Mobile App Audit Process

High-Responsibility Commitment

While many agencies primarily supply developers, we go a step further by taking full ownership of your projects, ensuring comprehensive oversight and accountability.

Industry Experts on Board

Gain access to a team of field experts and international tech conference speakers who bring cutting-edge knowledge and insights to your projects.

Proactive Enhancement

Our team actively contributes ideas and technical expertise to elevate the quality and functionality of your app, ensuring it meets and exceeds expectations.

Proven Experience from 10+ Apps

Benefit from a highly skilled team with extensive experience building top-tier mobile apps, backed by 5-star client reviews and a track record of success.


Let’s build something great together

Whether it’s a new venture or an existing one!

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