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UI & Web Design 2024 Trends Small Businesses Should Know

The last time you were invited to a party, did you enjoy it? Surely you remember the theme of the party, the different foods served, the way the drinks were arranged, and the host. Your experience of that party or everything you remember is what we call the user experience (UX).

However, when the term “user experience” is used, it usually refers to a person’s interaction with a digital or technological product or service. Let’s look at how UX has evolved over time and forecast directions and trends for 2024.

The History of User Experience & Its Importance 

Designers and developers have been creating screen-based user interfaces since the 1970s. However, something has changed in the last five years; the flat design is no longer as desirable and has taken a back seat in recent years.

Also, design systems have become extremely popular, and everyone is trying to create their own. Surprisingly, many UI design apps are available in updated versions. Sketch, Adobe XD and Figma are some of the most popular. Collaboration and workflow tools have become accessible and have greatly simplified the daily hard work of sharing specifications between team members.

The design of a website UX has become a crucial component, and the importance of UX is no longer in dispute. Users are much more knowledgeable today than they were in 2000 and rarely stay on a website that is difficult to use, confusing, or unclear. We have become accustomed to glitzy, cutting-edge web design tailored to users’ needs, so it’s hard to remember those old, outdated designs.

User Experience Stats 

For many businesses, a successful user experience means having a visually appealing website. However, a good look is not the only thing that keeps visitors on your site. When business owners focus only on the appearance of their website, bounce rates remain high, which is disappointing. This simple misstep scares away customers and costs businesses a lot of money. In other words, a beautiful website is useless if it is challenging to navigate. 

Below we have compiled ten statistics for you to get a better insight into the user experience:

  • About 44% of shoppers share their bad online experiences with friends.
  • A better UI can increase conversion rates by 200%, while a better UX design can increase conversion rates by 400%.
  • When a website introduces continuous scrolling, the bounce rate drops by more than 15%.
  • More than 50% of web searches are based on voice content.
  • 50% of customers prefer mobile-friendly websites.
  • More than 50% of businesses consider UX testing.
  • If you conduct a usability test with a group of five people, you can uncover 85% of UX errors.
  • Carousel images are unattractive, and most web visitors (about 85%) only look at the first slide.
  • If customers can not find what they are looking for on a website, more than 70% of them are likely to look elsewhere.
  • More than 80% of Internet users would not return to that site after a bad experience.

Now that you know how important the design of UX is to customer engagement, it’s time to look at the impact of artificial intelligence (AI) on the user experience.

Effect of AI on User Experience 

The world of UX design is highly influenced by artificial intelligence (AI), as it enables more customization than we can imagine. Today, designers are often called upon to assist AI in the design process. They often provide feedback to AI when it makes mistakes or gives it advice when it can not solve a problem on its own.

Over time, AI will better understand how we think and what we want. Designers will then no longer need to collaborate with them. With the existence of AI, designers will have to focus on user research and insight rather than design execution. 

UI & Web Design Trends in 2024

With digital presence development in world markets, UX and UI are more critical than ever. As a result, we should expect many changes in UI trends. UI may be far more revolutionary in 2024 than ever before. Below, we list five UI and web design trends expected in 2024.

Color Harmony

Color is one of the most crucial aspects of any design. Currently, there is a tendency towards natural and bright colors. Color can highlight content, promote the company’s style, and draw attention to essential features. The elements of UI and the product surface must be separate from each other and at the same time perfectly combined.


Since Facebook changed its name to Meta, there’s been a lot of talk about what the future holds for how we connect and live in the Metaverse. We need to prepare for this and get comfortable with new tools. In the coming years, designing augmented reality interfaces and 3D capabilities could prove to be a helpful skill.

Platforms With Little or No Code

Low-code and no-code software have also gained popularity in recent years. These systems require minimal programming skills. Although they need some industry knowledge, they make it possible to create your website more fascinating.

Power of Storytelling

Telling excellent stories about a digital experience will continue to be popular. Typography alone can create a solid visual hierarchy. It is an essential component of UI and plays a significant role in delivering a great user experience.

3D in E-Commerce

3D has been around for some time, and it is becoming increasingly popular. Thanks to rapid advances in semiconductor manufacturing and software optimization, even standard devices have been able to process complex images in real-time recently. Therefore, the use of dynamic 3D UI is no longer a problem.

Essentials to Consider When Choosing the Best Web Design Agency

Suppose you want a completely new brand identity for your company or just some new features for your current website. In this case, you need to find a reputable and competent web design agency. Here are some helpful tips:

  • Know exactly what you need for your website.
  • Consider your budget.
  • Ask about the web design agency’s credentials.
  • Testimonials and reviews from previous clients can help you find the best provider.
  • Also, ask your family or friends to help you find the best web design agency.
  • If you want to find out more about a particular service provider, contact them.

Bottom Line

The game-changer in the cyber world is to keep up with evolutionary trends in digital design, but the design concept has its framework. For that, you need professionals. So, if it is a challenge for your business to use all the mentioned UI and UX trends, a professional web design agency can be very helpful. 

We are here to help you with your unique website design. If you want more information, don’t hesitate to contact us.


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